Many companies in Zimbabwe looking for business partners I

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Cotton Company of Zimbabwe: 

The company incorporated in 1994 as a successor organization to the Cotton Marketing Board and privatized in 1997. COTTCO has an average market share of 51% and is reputed to be the largest ginner and marketer of seed cotton in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa.

Now, it looks for:long term finance- investors with excess liquidity to invest in Zimbabwe’s Cotton Industry i.e. seed cotton production; technology transfer; value addition projects, through spinning; Joint venture whereby Zimbabwe offers technical expertise, operational services and management entity.

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Central Air Transport Services:

The company is part of KSM Holdings Pvt Ltd group of companies operating in the aviation industries out of the Charles Prince Airport in Mt Hampden.

It looks for long term finance for the purchase of two regional jets and two commuter turboprop aircraft; purchase of ground support equipment; construction of maintenance and administrative facilities; partnership on a 60%(CATS)/40% (potential investor) basis; value of project repuiring funding is USD 110 million.


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Private limited company 100% owned by Premier Service Medical Aid Society which specializes in the provision of healthcare services.

It is interested in procuring hospital equipment as well as working capital, and value of the equipment to be bought is USD 12 million.


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